Frequently asked questions.


What ages are served at Savanna?

At Savanna, we welcome families with children ages 6 months to 5 years of age (not yet eligible for kindergarten). 

How many spaces are available per age group?

  • Young Infants (6M- 11M): 12 spaces 

  • Older Infants  (12M - 17M): 12 spaces 

  • Toddler (18M - 23M): 18 spaces 

  • Nursery School (3-5) 48 spaces

Do you provide drop-in care? 

Savanna’s model centers around fostering relationships and building a community, focusing on full-time services for enrolled families, and does not offer drop-in care.

Where can I learn more about the academic program? 

Please visit our school tab to learn more about each program. Savanna (

Does Savanna provide before and aftercare? 


  • Early Arrival:  7:30- 8:30 AM  

  • After-care Enrichment: 3:30- 5:00 PM  

Is Savanna Licensed and Accredited? 

Savanna is licensed through the Texas Department of Health and Human Services. Over the next 6 months, Savanna will gather the required information and documents to apply for NAEYC accreditation.  

What is a typical daily schedule for my child at Savanna?

A typical day for your child starts with a warm welcome and discussion about their needs for the day. While infants are cared for according to your written request, they too will experience the rhythm of the day. Your child is offered the time necessary to master skills, develop physical stamina, regulate their emotions, make lifelong friends, and grow their love of learning through daily personal care, happenings indoors and outdoors, facilitation of learning, scaffolding current ways of knowing, interspersed with storytelling, conversation, meals, and rest.  

Are parents able to visit their children throughout the day? 

At Savanna, we understand that you are your child’s first teacher. Our program is designed to have infants be able to see parents. Feed your infants in our “mother’s room” for a bit of privacy and fewer distractions. Toddler and preschool children will have gradual drop offs and pick ups along with other planned events in order to not disrupt their day.

How will Savanna prepare my child for school and life?

Children are born with a spark and joy for life. At Savanna, we aim to stoke the fire within their minds and souls through the facilitation of developmentally appropriate learning in literacy, numeracy, fine and gross motor skills, science, construction, culinary, creative arts, and cooperative gatherings. Through each interaction and activity, your child will build their self-confidence and learn that helping themselves and others brings fulfillment and a sense of purpose. 

What meals and snacks are provided at Savanna?

We offer milk, whole grain/wheat crackers, and alternative grain-source crackers. We believe you have the right to feed your child what you choose, so we ask that you pack your child their preferred lunch. To promote community, socialization, and sharing, we ask that you provide a whole fruit, vegetable, or berrys for the children to prepare and serve to their classmates. 

How may I become involved alongside my child at Savanna?

At Savanna we aim to foster your child-parent relationship and get to know their friends, through special events, space for celebrations, and adult learning opportunities that allow for shared challenges and successes. You are not alone at Savanna: we partner with you.

How may I support Savanna now and in the future?

Through community service and donations designated within our Savanna community, you and your children will have opportunities throughout the year to join in planned giving occasions. Consisting of giving time, goods, and money, we will choose purposes that assist families and provide your children a chance to share goodwill with others.


Can I get a co-working membership without enrolling my child in Savanna?

The co-working membership at Savanna is available only if you have your child enrolled into the infant or nursery program. Savanna is centered around building relationships with families and having families build relationships with each other, and allowing anyone else to use the co-working space interferes with that vision.

How does Coworking Membership work? 

The coworking membership gives you access to Savanna’s integrated adult work and recharge office environment. In a remote workspace designed for optimum concentration and relaxation, you can complete small tasks or big projects, knowing your child is well cared for within walking distance. Join events to support your child’s engagement with peers and activities supporting their growth and development. 

Are co-working members background checked? 

All members 18 and over are required to submit a background check when they spend extended time at Savanna. More than dropping off and picking up constitutes extended time. Background checks are done with the Director onsite.